Having looked at the vegetables and fruit with the highest pesticide residue, we are now going to turn our attention to those foods carrying the least pesticides. This may either be that they are a fairly resistant crop, therefore requiring less spraying with pesticides, or that they have thick skins, and outer layers that need to be removed.
Buying organic will always be best for the environment and the soil, but where we need to watch the pennies, this list of ‘clean’ foods may help us make wise choices when out shopping.
First on the list of the Clean Fifteen are onions. These have a low threat from pests, so pesticide use is minimal.
Belonging to the allium family, onions contain flavonoids and sulphur- containing nutrients, which makes then great to add to the diet every day. The concentration of flavonoids tends to be higher in the outer layers of the onion, so peel off as little of the flesh as possible. Quercetin is one of the most active flavonoids, and if onions are simmered gently their quercetin content actually transfers to the water rather than being degraded. The Worlds Healthiest foods website lists additional health benefits of onions.
Use this cheap and widely available vegetable in all your food preparation. Add finely sliced red onion to salads for both flavour and appearance, and include extra white onions in any cooking to add flavour and bulk to a meal. Onions make a helpful addition to the diet for anyone on a Nutritionhelp programme.