"Welcome to Nutritionhelp - supporting health for 26 years."
Erica White DipION, FBANT, Nutritionhelp Founder

Weight Support

Never before have we had available to us so much information about weight loss. There are so many diet regimes, all with their exclusive meal plans and recipes to guarantee a drop in weight. Many of these can be helpful, but again and again I have clients coming to me at a loss as to what they should choose to eat on a day-to-day basis.  Rather than following a 'fad' diet, they want to know what daily meals should look like for healthy weight support. How can they encourage weight loss without resorting to yo-yo dieting?


Understanding Foods

To eat in a way that supports a healthy weight it is first vital to understand how food works in the body. Some foods help to keep us feeling full, while other types of food encourage not only weight gain, but keep us locked into cravings.


Tailor-Made Consultations

A consultation with me might help to break the cycle of diet fads, and enable you to find a way of eating that is sustainable, enjoyable and easy to prepare. You don't need to order food boxes, or resort to diet shakes. You just need to know which foods should be going into your shopping trolly each week, with some tips on how to prepare them.

Each of us has different challenges in gaining or maintaining a healthy weight. Stress, food allergies, gut issues, toxins and nutrient status can all play a part in how we digest and metabolise our food, and impact weight control. A consultation will help to support you in your own unique dietary challenges. A healthy weight may then become something that is both achievable and maintainable.


Weight Support Consultations

Just one consultation can get you started on your Healthy Weight journey. However, you may like to get in touch to find out what packages I can offer. It can sometimes be helpful to have Check-In consultations, for ongoing support and accountability, to enable you to stay with your new way of eating.


Group Sessions

Do you have a family member, a couple of colleagues, or even a group of friends who also want to learn how to encourage a healthy body weight? If so, get in touch to discuss a Group Plan that will best suit your requirements. This may be a one-off class, looking at how different foods work in our bodies, and learning how to build a healthy eating regime. Alternatively, you may like to arrange for regular group meetings with me - once a fortnight or once a month, to help keep you accountable and progressing with your dietary changes.


Recipes to get you started

Check out the Nutritionhelp blog posts to get some meal ideas to get you started on a Healthy Eating programme to support weight.


Get in touch to find out more.

Email me at emma.nutritionhelp@gmail.com  if you want to find out more.