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The last of the Dirty Dozen

Fri 18th May, 2012 - 7:45am by Emma Cockrell


Coming to the end of our list of the top twelve vegetable and fruit most contaminated by pesticide residue, we come to Kale. This dark green leafy vegetable is packed full with nutrients but has been found to carry high levels of pesticide residue. Look out for organic supplies of kale, or try growing your own. Ironically, kale is fairly pest free, and at this time of year it can be sown directly outside, maturing in only 2 months.

Kale boasts some amazing health benefits, and is suitable for anyone following Nutritionhelp recommendations. The Worlds Healthiest Foods website comments that Kale may have cholesterol-lowering ability, it may reduce the risk of cancer, it provides comprehensive support for the body’s detoxification system, and researchers have identified that it contains over 45 different flavonoids

With kaempferol and quercetin heading the list, kale’s flavonoids combine both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits in way that gives kale a leading dietary role with respect to avoidance of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

This really is a food worth including in the diet on a regular basis, so finding an organic supplier would be very worth-while.


Bringing us up to the dozen we have blueberries which have been found with residue from more than 50 pesticides. Frozen blueberries carry slightly less residue.