Many clients on the anti-Candida diet need recipes that are very quick. Recipes that are simple enough not to drain them of energy, or easy enough to fit in around a busy work or home schedule are essential.
Combined with this is the necessity for food to be nutritious, providing valuable calories, fibre, vitamins and minerals to support health as fully as possible.
The following protein ‘bread’ recipe fits these requirements perfectly. It takes about 2 minutes to mix the batter and then 15-20 minutes to cook, depending on the size and style of loaf that you want.
Made with ground sunflower seeds, you will need a grinder, and these are available in many bargain stores or online. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin B6 and Magnesium, both of which are important for energy production and hormone support. Seeds also provide a great source of fibre and healthy oils, both of which help to reduce the likelihood of constipation.
The protein bread makes an ideal accompaniment to vegetable soups or salads. It can be firm enough to spread with hummus, or try baking it in a loaf tin to make square ‘bread’ slices.
I typically use the recipe as a savoury bread, with chives, onion granules, black pepper and perhaps some garlic granules. You can also top the ‘bread’ with sliced vegetables and oregano or rosemary. This produces a look reminiscent of a Focaccia Italian bread, and provides a welcome and tasty addition to the yeast-free diet.