Grain-Free and Sugar-Free Lemon Bun Recipe Here is a recipe for lemon buns that contain no grain and no sugar! It is quick and simple to make for a day-to-day snack. Adding a creamy, sugar-free, lemon curd topping however, makes these buns more special, providing a wonderful Christmas cake alternative. You do need to have […]
Ape Crunchy Coconut Bites If you haven’t already come across the Ape crunchy Coconut Bites, now would be a good time to check your supermarket or whole-food shop shelves. I found these in the ‘Free From’ aisle of a local supermarket. When everyone around is snacking on sweet-treats it is nice to have something to […]
This delicious recipe is adapted from Erica White’s Beat Candida Cookbook. Swapping the butter for coconut oil means this lemon curd can be enjoyed by those on a dairy-free diet. The coconut oil provides healthy fats, to help keep you feeling full, while the egg content provides valuable protein. If you need to keep oxalates […]
Here is a fantastic recipe for those who struggle to tolerate grains. Sunflower Seed Pancakes can be used as a breakfast dish, topped with Sugar-Free lemon curd (page 126 in Erica White’s Beat Candida Cookbook), or drizzled with coconut milk and sprinkled with desiccated coconut. Try it as a wrap for an easy lunch, stuffed […]
I regularly use cauliflower to replace rice for savoury dishes. This is a great way to increase over-all veggie intake, while also reducing the amount of carbohydrate in the diet. Many clients may need to keep up their carbs to prevent weight loss. However, many others, although following a strict ‘anti-Candida’ programme still need to […]
With Butternut Squash being such a valuable addition to any diet (see my last blog post here), and a particularly helpful food for the anti-Candida diet, I find ways to include it in a variety of meals. This recipe for a meat-free curry gains both flavour and texture from chunks of butternut squash simmered in […]
Butternut History Butternut Squash is a relative newcomer to our greengrocers and supermarkets. First farmed in the USA in the 1950’s, Charles Leggett developed butternut as a result of combining the Hubbard squash and the gooseneck squash. Leggett came up with the name, saying it was “smooth as butter and sweet as nut”. Butternut […]
With autumn well under way, Chestnuts are available for sale again in green grocers and supermarkets. As October progresses look out for fallen chestnuts if you are out on a parkland walk. Chestnuts are a great snack for most people – including those on an ‘anti-Candida’ diet. Simply slit the tough brown skin, and […]
Knowing how versatile cauliflower is in replacing grains in recipes, I thought I would try it as a polenta alternative. I am pleased with the results! This Cauliflower ‘Polenta’ recipe contains both vegetables and protein, making it a great snack and a perfect addition to a salad for lunch or a light supper. It can […]
This twist on a shop-bought Basil Pesto is dairy-free, making it suitable for those on the ‘Anti-Candida’ diet, or anyone with a dairy sensitivity. A grinder makes easy work of the preparation. However, if you are making this the traditional way, with a pestle and mortar, you may need to swap pumpkin seeds for pine […]