Erica White writes in her Beat Candida Cookbook: …When die-off occurs simply as a result of starting the diet and taking the vitamins, you need to do something to alleviate the symptoms. Make sure you drink plenty of water, and you can also take vitamin C to what is known as ‘bowel tolerance levels’ – […]
Many clients with Nutritionhelp may be following advice to balance their gut ecology. This entails increasing friendly bacteria and reducing unhelpful yeasts through diet and supplement recommendations. Whilst in theory this sounds very straight forward, in practice it can be quite challenging. A main contributing factor to this challenge is that one particular yeast, Candida […]
As we start this new Blog site I thought it would be helpful to recount some of what has been influencing the world of Nutritional Therapy in general, and the outworking of Nutritionhelp specifically. The role of Nutritional Therapy in supporting and maintaining health is becoming increasingly recognised. It has always been acknowledged that Nutritional […]
We’re just getting started here, so bear with us, and we’ll be posting interesting articles in connection with health and nutrition very soon. Visit our main site at