More from Health Matters on 9 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore One likely signal: Cracks at the corners of the mouth Background: “You see nutritional deficiencies first in those tissues that turn over the quickest, such as the tongue and lips,” says Lipski. Studies show that cracks or sores that appear at the corners of the mouth (a.k.a. […]
Nutrigold comments on the National Diet and Nutrition Survey: A government national survey has shown that the British diet is still falling well below the minimum standard set to avoid illness. Bearing in mind that these results are based on government recommendations for dietary intake that are often well below optimum levels required for good […]
From the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, August 10, 2012 by Andrew W. Saul, Editor Chicken Little was in the library one day when a copy of Consumer Reports for September 2012 fell on her head. She read their “10 Hidden Dangers of Vitamins” and it scared her so much she trembled all over. Why? Because Chicken Little had […]
Continuing Food Matters list of 9 symptoms you should not ignore You’re not getting enough fibre… One likely signal: Constipation Background: Constipation is the clearest indicator of the body’s need for more fiber. “Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate up to 100 grams of fiber a day and had an average stool weight of 2 pounds,” says Mark Hyman, […]
More from Food Matters on 9 symptoms you shouldn’t ignore You’re dehydrated… One likely signal: Chapped lips Background: Lips are a reflection of the health and hydration of the entire body. “If you are well hydrated, then your lips will be well hydrated,” says Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, clinical nutritionist and author of Digestive Wellness (McGraw-Hill, 2004). Less […]
More from Food Matters on 9 Symptoms you shouldn’t ignore: You’ve got candida overgrowth… One likely signal: Itchy ears, throat or mucus membranes Background: The average American downs nearly 150 pounds of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup a year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. And if you’re eating anywhere near that much sugar, you […]
Food matters have produced a helpful guide to 9 symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. As with any symptoms, you should get checked with your doctor and then seek specific nutritional advice, such as a tailor-made programme with Nutritionhelp. However, the nine points, which I will cover in the coming days, may help you in supporting the […]
Fizzy drinks should not be consumed by anyone on a Nutritionhelp programme, but the following information from What Doctors Don’t Tell You E-News may be helpful for those who are shopping and preparing meals for family. Sweet fizzy colas and sports drinks could be lethal – even if you drink just two cans a week. […]
Time For Wellness reports on research showing the benefits of breakfast: You need to eat more to loose weight, at least that’s what studies linking skipping breakfast to weight gain suggest, and now you can add a lower risk of diabetes to your breakfast menu. Although skipping breakfast has been linked to problems such as […]
So which fats and oils should we be using in our diets in order to encourage health? There is much research continuing in this whole area, but my current suggestions are: Frying and Roasting: If you want to cook foods at high temperatures the most stable fats are the saturated fats, and recent research is […]