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Buy Organic Sweet Bell Peppers

Tue 15th May, 2012 - 12:05pm by Emma Cockrell



Sweet bell peppers, of all colours, are frequently found to be high in pesticide residue.  Although delicious both raw and cooked, they may be affected by nearly 50 different pesticides, so it is well worth looking out for organic varieties or trying to grow your own.

As part of the nightshade family,  peppers may occasionally influence health, so clients might find it helpful to talk to one of our associate nutritionists if they have any concerns regarding including peppers in their diet. However, for most clients on a yeast-free, sugar-free programme with Nutritionhelp, peppers are fine to include and can add colour and variety to both hot and cold dishes.



Grapes regularly test for high pesticide residue, potentially carrying more than 30 different pesticides.  This of course also affects raisins, so look out to find organic varieties of both of these, especially if they are going in the children’s lunch boxes.



Nectarines may show some of the highest contamination for pesticides among the tree fruits, with up to 33 pesticides being detected.

Remember, if you are a Nutritionhelp client currently working on gut ecology, fruit should not be included in your diet at this time.