I continue the list of foods from thedailygreen which are best to buy organic.
Another perennial food on the dirty dozen list is celery. It’s a good one to commit to memory, since it doesn’t fit the three main categories of foods with the highest pesticide residue (tree fruits, berries and leafy greens). USDA tests have found more than 60 different pesticides on celery.
Can’t find organic celery? Safer alternatives with a similar crunch include broccoli, radishes and onions.
Strawberries are always on the list of dirty dozen foods, in part because fungus prompts farmers to spray, and pesticide residue remains on berries sold at market. Nearly 60 different pesticides have been found on strawberries, though fewer are found on frozen strawberries.
Can’t find organic strawberries? Safer alternatives include kiwi and pineapples.