"Welcome to Nutritionhelp - supporting health for 26 years."
Erica White DipION, FBANT, Nutritionhelp Founder

About Erica White

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I qualified as a Nutritional Therapist in 1990, having studied for three years at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London. I soon established an extremely busy practice, and saw many hundreds of clients sustain optimal physical and emotional health by following appropriate nutritional and lifestyle advice. Many of these clients followed a yeast-free four-point plan to promote healthy gut ecology, a strategy that primarily involves reducing an overgrowth of candida, which is known to cause a wide range of health problems including hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity, sometimes leading to chronic fatigue syndrome. In 2005, www.nutritionhelp.com was launched to provide online advice.

I received medical approval to run a research project investigating the relationship between gut ecology (candida overgrowth) and chronic fatigue syndrome, and in 2005 my findings were published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 83% of participants with CFS/ME experienced improvement in one year by following a programme to optimise gut ecology; one participant achieved 100% well-being in just eight months!20160507_161447_resized

Until age 53 I suffered constant ill-health, but eventually learned about yeast infection (candida). With a growing interest in nutrition, I developed my yeast-free four-point plan and at 53 experienced optimum health for the first time ever. I started three years of training in Nutritional Therapy and for sixteen years worked hard to optimise the health of my clients. I also wrote books and lectured widely in UK and overseas.

Although I am now in my 80s, I still live an active life but no longer give personal consultations. However, consultations are available to book with my daughter Emma Cockrell, who has extensive experience in working to support health nutritionally - particularly in the area of intestinal yeast over-growth, and the many related symptoms.  I have every confidence that, if you choose to contact Emma, she will provide you with very caring support and professional expertise. I commend her to you!

I wish you Good Health!